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Zinajda firstly graduated in Triest - Italy, her home city, with the prof. Luisa Sello in 2007. After some years of playing in orchestras (the Austrian youth orchestra, the Opera orchestra of Cagliari - Italy) she started to love contemporary music and studied with the members of the ensemble Klangforum Wien within the Master Practice Performance in Contemporary Music at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz - Austria. She participated in many specific contemporary music courses: Darmstadt, Impuls - Graz, Acanthes - Metz and mastered her knowledge of the extended techniques with Mario Caroli. She graduated from the University of Graz with the tutoring of the flutists Vera Fischer and Eva Furrer in 2011 with highest honours. From then on she started working as substitute with the Klangforum Wien, she plays in the Ensemble Schallfeld from Graz and BlauerReiter Ensemble from Munich. She is based in London since 2013 and she works regularly with the London Contemporary Orchestra. She is guest in the Distractfold Ensemble from Manchester, she teaches Flute and Languages privately and she broadcasts music of all ages for adults and children on the Italian national radio RAI.

©2018 by Zinajda Kodrič. Slowly and proudly created with

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